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“It isn’t hard to be good from time to time…. What’s tough is being good every day.”-  Willie Mays

Microsoft Dynamics CRM can be more than just Marketing, Sales and Customer Service tool.  Microsoft Dynamics CRM has the ability to enable your VP of Sales or Sales Manager to customize and automate the software to your unique Sales Process.  The power of Microsoft Dynamics CRM designed around your organization’s sales process can provide more visibility for management and better collaboration among your sales team each sales opportunity.

Microsoft Dynamics CRM provides the ability to assign tasks to each member of your sales team with specific due dates and notifications, assuring that everyone on the team is on the same page.  Sales members can enter notes on each task and mark them complete, triggering a notification to the sales person that the task is complete and that the opportunity is ready to move to the next stage of the sales process.

Building your sales process into Microsoft Dynamics CRM is a very simple.  Here is an example of sales process stages:

  • Lead
  • Qualified – Pain and Budget
  • Determine Requirements
  • Develop Solution
  • Demo / Proof of Concept
  • Proposal
  • Close
  • Fulfillment
  • Post Sale

By having a defined sales process built into Microsoft Dynamics CRM  your sales team can assign tasks during each stage and know what next steps are in the process to close the deal.  This information can also be used for a more accurate pipeline report as shown below:


Invest an hour with Gary Krist from Turnkey Technologies, Inc. and Ric Hoerz from Sandler Training at the Rubicon Institute, to watch and listen to our webinar called ““Increase Sales” Combine Sales Methodology with Automation” on October 3rd.  You will gain valuable insights to increase sales productivity throughout your organization.

For a high level estimate of your investment in Microsoft Dynamics CRM, please use our “FREE” Microsoft Dynamics CRM Quick Quote Tool”.  It will give you a great starting point for assessing your potential investment in a project like this.

Microsoft Dynamics CRM can help your organization drive sales performance through sales automation.  To learn more about Microsoft Dynamics CRM, please go to our website or give us a call.

By Michael Ramatowski and Gary Krist, at Turnkey Technologies, Inc. – Kentucky, Illinois, Missouri Microsoft Dynamics CRM & Microsoft Gold Certified Dynamics GP Partner

“The reality is that changes are coming…. They must come. You must share in bringing them.” – John Hersey

Stephen R. Covey, author of the bestselling self-help book “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” recently passed away this July.   This book has sold over 20 million copies since being released and has made me a fan of his work for years.  In my first blog post, I looked at the Habits of “Be Proactive”, “Begin with the End in Mind” and “Put First Things First”.  Today, I’m going to look at the other four habits and show how Microsoft Dynamics GP can help solidify them in your organization.

Think Win/Win – This habit has five interdependent dimensions of life which are: Character, Relationships, Agreements, Supportive Systems and Processes.  Microsoft Dynamics GP has the business tools like Dashboards, Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), and Real-Time Drill Down Reports to help your managers monitor your employees service levels better to make sure you’re meeting your commitments to your customers at acceptable levels for Win/Win to exist.

Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood – If you’re going to understand your employees, customers and suppliers, better empathic listening is the key.  This means that not only do you hear and understand the words but also listen with the eyes and hearts as well.  Microsoft Dynamics GP can help sales, service and business management staff members communicate and collaborate better through built-in integration with Microsoft Dynamics CRM and built-in workflows.

Synergize – Stephen Covey talked about the principles of creative communication where you are completely open to new possibilities in your organization because of real, authentic conversations with each other.  You get a 360 degrees view of the issues, problems and opportunities because of these insights.  Microsoft Dynamics GP strengthens these conversations with real-time access to business information at your fingertips.

Sharpen the Saw – Each person/employee takes ownership of their personal development and the quality of service they give to their organization.It also means improving on their four dimensions of their nature (physical, spiritual, mental and social/emotional) regularly and consistently in wise and balanced ways.  Microsoft Dynamics GP Human Resource Management can help with the training, health and wellness of your employees.

 In summary, Microsoft Dynamics GP can help your organization live these habits daily.  To learn more about Microsoft Dynamics GP, please go to our website or give me a call.

For a high level estimate of your investment in Microsoft Dynamics GP, please use our “FREE” Microsoft Dynamics GP Quick Quote Tool.  It will give you a great starting point for assessing your potential investment in a project like this.

By Michael Ramatowski, at Turnkey Technologies, Inc. – Missouri, Illinois, and Kentucky Microsoft Gold Certified Dynamics GP and CRM Partner